
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Empties Review: Noxzema Deep Cleansing Cream

I bought this over the summer when I was going through a really rough patch with my hormonal acne. I was looking for something that would be super gentle and moisturizing, but that still would take off all of my makeup and hopefully get whatever gunk there was out of my pores. And, last, I was looking for something without harsh sulfates as a lathering agent, because I thought my sulfur allergy could be making me react negatively to sulfates. (Is that even scientifically possible? I have no idea. It was something that got into my head when I was trying to get rid of a particularly awful breakout.)

When doing research about the product, I found that this has been marketed for generation for different dermatological problems. Originally put into production in 1914, it claimed to help soothe eczema and harsh sunburns. My mom remembers Noxzema being marketed for clear and plump skin when she was a kid in the 60's and 70's. Today, I don't see much overt advertising for the product. It obviously has stood the test of time and continues to sell to a certain part of the population, being still in production.

What I found with this product was actually pretty awesome. The product comes as a creamy solid packaged either in a tub or a bottle with a pump (perfect for keeping down liquids when traveling :D) and only runs between $4 and $6 depending on where you buy it. It did do a good job of getting off my makeup after I had used a makeup removing wipe and left my skin feeling refreshed and clean. The eucalyptus in the product gave it a medicinal type smell that I actually really liked and also left a tingling sensation on my face which I got used to after a few uses.

Over a long period of time, this cleanser remained a simple fix for cleansing before bed and didn't strip my skin of too much moisture. When I looked at the ingredients, it does list Linseed, Eucalyptus and Soybean oils as three of the main ingredients, so this may be the reason why I didn't experience any tightness or dryness from this product.

My verdict: This Noxzema Deep Cleansing Cream is a good drugstore option for a basic oil based cleanser. It was perfect for my sensitive skin and left me with a blank canvas that I could then treat with prescription or more targeted products. It didn't do anything particularly to fix my break-outs, but did offer no further irritation or cause for redness and clogged pores. I would definitely repurchase this in the future, especially in the travel size for overseas trips to put in my carry-on. At the moment I'm trying something else recommended by my dermatologist, but this is definitely something I would go back to.

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