
Monday, February 2, 2015

Empties Review: NYC BB Creme

NYC Smooth Skin BB Creme 5 in 1 Skin Perfector

This product I bought over the summer for something lightweight to wear on a night out or to a family function. This was one of the least expensive BB cream/tinted moisturizer-type products that I saw at the drugstore, so I thought it couldn't hurt to give it a try. I'm as pale as a ghost, even in the summer, so I got this in 01 Light for $3.49.

The color on this product seemed a little orange on me at first application, even in the summer months when I was working outside and getting a lot of sun. After about a half an hour the color seemed to seep into the skin, which made it more even with the rest of my skin, but also depleted the coverage significantly. The coverage to begin with was minimal, but over time it felt like I hadn't even put anything on.

Having a bunch of this product left at the end of the summer, I decided to take this product overseas with me on my trans-Atlantic move. Unfortunately, though, it didn't travel so well. Whether this was due to the differing pressure on the airplane, the new climate in my destination or just the aging of the product I don't really know. What I do know, is that this product ended up becoming really problematic when I got to my town in France. Whereas it had gone on smoothly before, this product started to ball up and go on splotchy over my moisturizer. I tried applying the product with a sponge, with a brush and with fingers to find a way to work with it, but to no avail. It even got to the point that I could feel the product on my face, which made me really uncomfortable. I ended up throwing this product out before it was done because I simply couldn't deal with the product on my face any longer and didn't see the application improving any time soon.

My verdict: Not buying this again. I'm not totally turned off of BB creams, but I'm turned off of this one.

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