
Monday, September 8, 2014

Pre-Departure Investigation: European Brands in the States, Part III

The logical next step in moving up the beauty totem pole: Sephora! I am by no means a Sephora regular, as recent college grad budget usually confines me to drugstore prices, but it is awesome to walk around and see what they've got. I've decided then, to only offer commentary on those products or brands that I have had personal knowledge about, and simply list the others. Here the French brands Deanna and I lusted after on our trip there!

This is the only brand of the ones I've mentioned in this post that I've tried before. In fact, whenever I see a branch in a mall or on a street, I can't resist popping in to rub the tester for the Lavender Organic Relaxing Roll-On all over myself. If I could afford it, I would no longer bathe in water but only in this stuff. If you're a habitually anxious person like me, or just love pure relaxation in a sniff, you should invest in this stuff. I love it.

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