
Friday, October 31, 2014

La Toussaint Vacation: A Trial in Beauty Espionnage

So, whenever I'm staying at somebody's house, I always find it really interesting to see what they've got in their bathroom. I'm not the only one right? I'm just curious! And I mean, I definitely wouldn't go completely through their stuff, but if you leave something out or within reasonable reach, you bet I'm gonna investigate. Which is exactly what I did during my recent vacation through in France, and I thought I'd report back just to let you know what I found in REAL FRENCH BATHROOMS. I stayed in three different towns with three different hosts, each of which showed a (kind of?) example of a different demographic of person and what they might use. Keep following for in depth reviews of what I saw!

**Disclaimer** I will not be revealing any information about the persons involved in this vacation or hosting experience, so as to protect their privacy. All names, if mentioned, have been changed.

Monday, October 20, 2014

La Rue de Minimes - Pedestrian Beauty Boulevard

In looking around the French town I am currently living in, its easy to see that beauty plays a big part in the everyday lives of its inhabitants. Despite the fact that many of the women I see choose to wear a natural day-to-day look, cosmetic and skincare advertisements and shops dominate a large section of the city center - specifically, the pedestrian zone on la rue des Minimes.

This street is one of the few walking zones close to la Place de la République, and shop after shop on this walkway features beauty and skincare products galore. Let's be clear: this street is only about a quarter of a mile long, probably not even. And in total, there are eleven shops advertising almost exclusively beauty-related products, with the exception of les Galeries Lafayette, a department with a large selection of beauty, skincare and fragrance, but also many other items.

So let's take a walk from the main square out to the next street. This is really only about two blocks and you pass all of these stores.

  1. Marrionnaud Parfumerie
  2. Kiko
  3. Parashop Diffusion
  4. La Grande Pharmacie des Minimes
  5. Yves Rocher
  6. Les Galleries Lafayette
  7. Sephora
  8. Sandro Esprit Spa
  9. Nocibé
  10. Douglas Parfumerie
  11. Saga
What does this exactly have to say about my town? To be honest, I don't really know yet, as I have only been here for a short while and it takes time to get to know new people in a foreign country. Whether these stores have taken such prominent spots as a response to popular demand or whether these shops have influenced the tastes of the public, I can't really tell. Most likely, its a little bit of both. Just an interesting reflection from a beauty perspective on what I am experiencing in this new town!

Finally installed in France - YAY INTERNET!

So I have finally gotten myself settled in France and am ready to start blogging on the reg! I apologize for my lack of regular posting over the last month - internet is not exactly the easiest thing to procure here - but I do have internet now! Get ready for more posts to come :)